Civil and Environmental Engineering
Public engineering represents one of the core services offered by CPJ. Our extensive expertise in engineering allows us to coordinate across multiple disciplines to produce innovative designs that exceed expectations for Municipal and County projects. Our vast history in working for public agencies has given us the experience to handle public outreach, limited budgets, and quick responses to public needs. In addition, our technical expertise allows us to confidently assess any situation and make a reliable recommendation for how to proceed. The staff works closely with each Agency to keep them and all other stakeholders informed of job progress and to stay in touch with their needs. CPJ has a great deal of experience working for public sector clients to meet their civil and environmental engineering needs.
Services include but are not limited to:
General Engineering
Construction Plans and Specifications
Bid Documents
Cost Estimates
Public Meetings
Permit Processing
As-Built Plans
Construction Management and Inspections
GIS Database Development and Management
Expert Witness
Highway Engineering
Sight Distance Analysis
Cross Section Development
Alignment Studies
Utility Relocation and Coordination
Pavement Marking and Signage
Traffic Control
Horizontal and Vertical Design
Site Development Engineering
Feasibility Studies
Preliminary Engineering Concepts
Sediment and Erosion Control
Utility Layout
Water Distribution Systems
Sanitary Collection Systems
Earthwork Calculations
Grading Plans
Storm Drain Design
Pavement Plan Design
Stormwater Management
Water Quality Plan Development
Water Resources Engineering
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies
Stormwater Management Design
Stormwater Management Retrofits
Storm Drainage Design
Culvert Design
Scour and Stability Analysis
Floodplain Studies
Dam Breach Studies
Dam Operation Manuals
Dam Emergency Action Plans
High Hazard Dam Inspections
SWM Facility Inspection to comply with NPDES
Confined Space Inspections
Stream Restoration and Monitoring
Watershed Studies
NPDES Permitting and Compliance Monitoring