Geographic Information Systems
Asset management can be a complex and cumbersome task for any municipality. CPJ helps municipalities with this issue by assisting with locating and recording assets for quick and easy retrieval from GIS software.
The first step to any asset management program is to know what assets there are and where they are. CPJ incorporates GIS with field survey information to provide municipalities with layered information about anything and everything pertinent to managing public space.
GIS allows the Town and City Managers to have all the municipal assets just a quick click away. This translates to better coordinated improvements, quicker determination of liability, and overall improved efficiency.
Not only does having an asset inventory save the municipality money, it saves it’s residents money through reduced cost of any additional surveys they may need.
What information can a Municipality track?
Property Lines
Property Owner
Easements and Right-of-ways
Street Trees, location, health, ownership
Pavement Management
Street Signage Inventory
What Benefits are there to have GIS Inventory?
Faster permit approvals through easily available setback information
Readily available scanned historical documents
Improved maintenance schedules of trees and pavement
Ease of identifying and locating utilities in emergency weather events