Custom Homes
Charles P. Johnson & Associates, Inc. provides custom home services for custom homes builders, architects and homeowners throughout the Washington DC metropolitan area. Our award-winning team of designers, landscape architects, surveyors, and engineers work with builders and architects to provide a one-stop shop of turn-key services for additions, renovations, and tear down/rebuilds. We have streamlined the traditional long permitting process into a systematic, yet detailed, service that is fast, accurate, and flexible to the needs of your project.

Boundary Surveys
Easement Preparation
Final Surveys
House Location Surveys
Property Line Stakeout
Record Plats of Subdivision
Stakeout for Construction
Topographic Surveys
Tree Surveys
Utility Stakeout

Best Management Practices
Bioretention Design
Drainage Outfall Analysis
Feasibility Studies
Floodplain Analysis
Sediment Control Plans
Stormwater Management Plans
Construction Management and Inspection
Construction Plans and Specifications
Grading Plans

Critical Area Evaluations
Forest Conservation Plans
Grading Studies
House Siting Studies
Lot Feasibilities
Lot Grading Plans
Lot Subdivision
Septic Plans
Site Plans
Site Selection Analyses
Tree Preservation Plans

Landscape Architecture
3D Modeling
Design Build Services
Entry Design
Hardscape Design
Outdoor Living Areas
Patios & Decks
Planting Plans
Pool & Spa Design
Pool House & Pergola Design
Presentation Graphics
Water & Fire Feature Design