Dam Engineering
Why Do You Need an Engineer?
All dams meeting government regulatory definitions, no matter what their size or level of engineering, will deteriorate with time. Periodic inspection, proper maintenance and occasional repair and rehabilitation are inevitable. The State requires that an owner of a dam obtain the services of a Licensed Professional Engineer to perform inspections of your dam. The Engineer will evaluate required corrective measures of your dam. The Engineer will investigate and report to you any problems observed and make recommendations of a course of action, if required. This may include simple measures to be taken by the owner, or if applicable a more in-depth course of action which could include the preparation of corrective plans and specifications. The Engineer can also assist you in the selection of a qualified contractor and provide valuable construction inspection services.
As a dam owner, you are legally responsible to maintain your dam in a safe manner, and you could be found liable should your structure fail and cause property damage to of others or loss of life. One of the most important components of dam safety is owner education. The responsibility for maintaining a safe dam is with the owner.
Owners must be aware of:
State and/or federal dam laws and regulations;
Proper operation and maintenance practices;
Rehabilitation needs;
Emergency action planning,

CPJ provides a wide range of dam inspection services from visual inspections for dam safety to detailed subsurface inspections including Closed–Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections for pipes, geotechnical monitoring, and OSHA confined space inspections. Each inspection is headed by one of CPJ’s Licensed Professional Engineer (PE). Teaming with  our specialized sub-consultants, CPJ can lead inspection teams to assess all aspects of dam inspections, which may include; structural components, geotechnical aspects, water quality and more, as may be appropriate for your needs.
Repair and Retrofit Design
Whether your dam needs minor repairs, or retrofitted to meet current safety standards, CPJ will provide the service and detail necessary for your situation. CPJ works with dam owners to prepare plans for recreational, irrigation, and stormwater management/flood control dams. We take pride not only in the quality of our designs, but in the quality our construction management services to help make the construction process smooth and efficient.

Emergency Operations and Planning
Emergency action planning is a critical component to the safe operation of any dam. As the Owner’s Engineer for various MDE regulated dams in the state of Maryland, CPJ has been involved with preparation of breach analyses and emergency action plan development. CPJ has also helped plan, lead, and evaluate tabletop exercises and seminars for dam owners, emergency management personnel, and state dam safety officials.